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Welcome to the registration page for 

Presented by: Tradición Dance Company & Fox Theatre Pomona

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Competition Start Time 8:30 a.m.




The competition will take place at 

Fox Theatre Pomona

301 S Garey Ave, Pomona, CA 91768







Age Categories: Age 8 & Under | Ages 9-13 | Ages 14-17 | Ages 18+

- Solos $30 | 2:30 Minutes Max

- Duets $40 | 3 Minutes Max

- Group (Minimum 4 dancers) $55 | 3:30 Minutes Max

- Production (Mixed Ages Entry) $70 | 6 Minutes Max

- Multi-Couple | $40 per couple

(Multi-Couple Category Information Below)

*If a category has an overwhelming number of entries it may be split into two groups and divided by the region you are competing with. 

Group A (Sur & Centro)

Group B (Norte)

Our competition is based on average ages. To figure out the correct category for your entry, add all the dancers ages in the specific entry.

Then take that number total and divide by number of dancers.

Example: Ages 10+12+14+10= 46 then divide by 4 since there are 4 dancers. 46/4 =11.5 

This means the entry would be in the category age 9-13.


- Timing begins when the music starts and ends when the music ends.

- Points will be deducted if entries go over the time limit.

- Dancers may enter more than one category.

-Categories with 3 entries or less, may be canceled or merged.

- There is no limit on the quantity entries.

-Entries will not be added to the lineup until they are paid. 

-For solo and duet categories, dancers cannot compete in multiple age categories.

- There are absolutely no refunds unless category is cancelled.

-If dancers are not present at the time of your entry, the entry will be forfeited. 


-Registration will begin at 8 a.m. in the theatre lobby.

-All music for entries must be emailed to by June 7, 2024.

-All score sheets will be given to the group’s director at the end of the competition.

-There will be NO changes in the line-up once it is emailed, unless an errors occur.

- Videotaping or photography will only be allowed from the back of the theater

- There are no refunds once payment has been rendered. 

-It is expected that all participants have proper theater etiquette and respectfully follow instructions from the event staff.


Our Website: Pay Online Here (fees will apply)

Zelle:  (Include group name in the note section)

Cash: Drop off at our studio 237 E. Second St. Pomona, CA 91766


There will be a designated dressing area per group inside of the theatre as a dressing area. Dancers may use this area as a dressing and holding area, group logos will be posted in your groups assigned section

DO NOT bring guests into the dressing areas. These areas are meant for performers and chaperones only!

All invited guests must sit upstairs in the balcony section.


-A complimentary wristband will be provided for 1 director per group

and dancers competing that day.

All other visitors or chaperones must pay admission

Pre-Order Tickets: $15.00 

At The Door Price $20.00

General admission seating is only available in the upstairs balcony section.

(Pre-order tickets must be ordered when submitting entries in the form below)

Children under 3 are free. 


Remember that your music must be emailed to no later than Friday, June 7, 2024.  In the title of the track include the following:




Bring a backup audio device with an AUX plug capability.

Be present by the sound booth in case backup music is needed.



-Three judges will judge each entry, and only the 2 highest scores will be used to calculate the final score.

-The third score will be used to break any tied scores.

-Directors will receive all score sheets at the end of the competition.

-Each category will have a 1st, 2nd and, 3rd place trophy. 

-Duets will receive 2 medals and a trophy.

-There will be two awards ceremonies.

Ceremony #1 will include all categories in age 8 & under, and ages 9-13. Time TBD

Ceremony #2 will include all categories in ages 14-17, ages 18+, production,

and multi-couple. Time TBD

-Judges will score each entry out of 100 points using the criteria below.

-You must respect the decision and scoring from the judges, ALL scores are final! 

-Do not approach the judges about your scores or your entire group may be disqualified from all entries and the competition in its entirety.

If any questions arise, they must only be addressed with the competition

director, Manny Vizcarra. 

-Music appropriate to the region 5pts

-Wardrobe & appearance 15pts

-Steps, faldeo, props & movements appropriate to the region 10pts

-Choreography & challenging footwork for age level 10pts

-Use of stage & transitions in choreography 10pts

-Dancing in sync with the music and as a group 10pts

-Execution of steps & movements 10pts

-Presentation, smiles, energy, expressions 15pts

-Overall performance quality 15pts

TOTAL 100pts


- Multi-Couple Huasteca- El Querrerque

- Multi-Couple Chihuahua- Luz y Sombra

Entry Fee: $40 per couple

-In this category, between 2-12 couples will compete at the same time with the song mentioned above.

-This category is only open to dancers ages 14+

-Multiple couples from the same dance group can compete. 

-Each couple will receive a number pinned to their back to identify themselves in the entry.

-Each couple will have their own choreography and wardrobe.

-This category is judged different than other categories in the competition.

-Each couple will receive one overall score between 1-25 from each of the 4 judges.

-1 being the lowest score and 25 being the highest overall score.

Overall scores will be given based on the following: Wardrobe, presentation, appearance, steps, challenging footwork, movements, dancing in sync with the music and as a couple, smiles, energy, expressions.

-All four scores will be added and can total up to 100 points.

-A trophy will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for each of the two regions.

-Each of the winners will receive an individual medal. 

-Because we are using all four scores, in case of a tie the couples will have the opportunity to perform again and receive a second score to break the tie. 

-If you register for this category, use the song versions linked below. Those are the versions we will be using the day of the competition. Be sure to modify your choreography to match our music track. 

Click on the desired song download button above. When the page opens, click the three dots next to the music player to download the song.

DanzArte Dance Competition Logo NB No White.jpg


8am -Check In 

9am -Competition starts

-Solos ages 8 & under

-Solos ages 9-13

-Duets ages 8 & under

-Duets ages 9-13

-Groups ages 8 & under

-Groups ages 9-13


-Awards Ceremony #1

-Solos ages 14-17

-Solos ages 18+

-Duets ages 14-17

-Duets ages 18+

-Groups ages 14-17

-Groups ages 18+


-Multi-couple Huasteca

-Multi-couple Chihuahua

-Awards Ceremony #2


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© 2023 by Tradicion Dance Company 

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